Friday, January 18, 2013


Who are we? Friends who craft together. It's an excuse to laugh, learn, eat cookies and drink wine.

We are new to blogging, and to many of the crafts we are doing. The wine will make them more interesting.

Sunday is our first live blogging during crafternoon. We will post pictures and give progress updates.


  1. I have been thinking about my craft all month and I'm STILL not sure what I'm doing. I have soooo many t-shirts that need to be upcycled, but I also need a new headboard....decisions, decisions.

  2. I have been thinking about my craft all month and I'm STILL not sure what I'm doing. I have soooo many t-shirts that need to be upcycled, but I also need a new headboard....decisions, decisions.

  3. Yah! I can't wait...congrats on the first post :)

  4. I want to make a braided rug and I found directions for using old t-shirts. It's on my pinterest craft board. I will bring it Sunday, along with my books on how to make braided rugs.
